Monday, September 30, 2019

International Development Personal Statement

A degree In International studies will Improve my understanding of the impact of education, health, human rights, the environment, economics, conflict, and other fields on development as well as the Impact of under development on those fields. In Dalton, the multi-adolescently nature of the subject will enable me to explore options for later speculation. My Interest In International development has arisen out of my experiences as a child when I was fortunate to spend extended periods of time In Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.In Thailand and Cambodia I became aware of the plight of refugees and displaced populations. In Vietnam I learnt about the effects of war on the population and the continuing effect of Agent Orange. I also became aware of the difficulties faced by ethnic minorities who don't speak the national language and don't have the same rights as the majority of citizens. From my experiences in South East Asia I can see that although we live in a globalizes world, the benef its of globalization are not spread equally between countries or within countries.Studying International Development will help me better understand why some countries have become developed, some are in the process of developing and some have not developed at all. I would like to understand the satirical forces like colonization, the impact of political systems like socialism and capitalism and the politics of aid such as why some countries receive help while others do not. In addition to understanding the causes of poverty and inequality, I want to understand how to change things for the better.I would like to learn about sustainable ways of lifting people out of poverty and ensuring their basic human rights. I would also like to understand how to ensure that social development doesn't harm the environment. A special interest that I have is to understand how best to assist people in emergencies like natural disasters and war and how to help them recover in the long term. The B progr ammer has enabled me to study a range of subjects from the fields of science and the humaneness rather than confining me to one specific field.I think that this Is excellent preparation for study of a multi- disciplinary course like International Development and topics such as politics, gender, economics, the environment and other global Issues. Although I have found the B programmer challenging, I have appreciated the opportunity It has provided to evolve critical thinking skills and Independent study skills as well as to broaden my outlook on the world in general.I feel the academic rigor of the B programmer has prepared me well for the challenges of undergraduate study. I am a keen sports seasons. I enjoy traveling and experiencing different cultures. I have enjoyed the greater independence given to students at The Henley College compared to the strict learning styles of conventional schools. I now feel ready to take on the challenge of university study and look forward to making the most of the opportunities that the study of a degree in international development will bring.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hardware and software Requirements Essay

Floppy disk: The standard 3 1/2†³ floppy disk is a thin, flexible plastic disk coated in metal oxide, enclosed in a rigid plastic casing for protection. A standard high density disk has a storage space of 1. 44 Megabytes.   Hard Disks: The hard disk used with conventional PCs consists of one or more disk platters, which are permanently sealed inside a casing. Hard disks have a capacity of between 2Gb and 10Gb, though external hard drives can be plugged into the computer to provide extra storage space. For large-scale applications storing huge amounts of data, more hard disks would be used. The disks can be fixed or removable, although the fixed disks are more reliable and have more storage capacity. Data is stored on the concentric tracks, which are divided into sectors. Data is then stored in one of the sectors so that it minimises the movement of the read-write heads, thereby minimising access time.   CD-ROM: CD-ROMs can store around 680Mb of data, which is the equivalent of hundreds of floppy disks. CD-ROMs do not transfer data as quickly as the hard disk drive. As the name suggests the disks are read-only memory. Unlike a magnetic disk they are created by burning tiny holes into the surface of the disk, a laser beam is then reflected off the surface of the disk, detecting the presence or absence of pits, which represent the binary digits. Worm disks (Write Once, Read Many): These look very similar to the CD-ROM in appearance but are gold rather than silver in colour. These disks can be used to write your own material and are ideal for archiving or storing images or data, which will not be changed. They are popular in the pirate industry because a i 5 blank disk can store upto i 20 000 worth of software and sell for i50 – i 80. They are used by less reputable PC company’s which install the software onto the PC so they can charge the consumer more for the package. However because of the competition in the pirate industry at present many of these carry viruses which can cause chaos on the hard drive.   Magneto-optical disks: Magneto-optical disks integrate optical and laser technology to enable read and write storage. A 5 1/2†³ disk can store up to 1 Gb. These disks may in future replace current magnetic disks, but at present the technology is still developing and the disks are too expensive, slow and unreliable to be in widespread use. Magnetic tape: Magnetic tape was developed in the 1950s and very quickly became the primary means of storing data. The data is stored on magnetic tape in the form of dots of magnetism. It is used widely for archiving past transactions or other data that may be needed again, for example, old news readings that have been collected over a number of years.   Jaz Drive: Two Gigabytes is a tape drive and a mass storage device mainly used for backing up large files or batches of files i. e. end of day transaction backup for banks or businesses. Software requirements and techniques Software is the name given to the programs that direct the operation of the computer. It can be divided into two main groups, system software and applications software. System software is the programs required to run the computer system and applications software is the programs required to carry out a particular application such as stock control Systems software This is the software that the microcomputer system needs to run. In this group there are three divisions: operating systems, utilities and compilers/interpreters/assemblers. Operating systems: An operating system is a set of programs that allows the user to perform tasks without having to know how they are done. For example, a user can give a command to save a file on disk without having to know where the file will be stored or how it will be retrieved again. Applications programs are usually written to work with a particular operating system e. g. Excel will only work with Windows and not with Apple Mac, which has a different operating system. Utility programs: Utility programs perform common tasks that every computer user will need at one stage or another. They carry out such jobs as formatting and copying disks, deleting files from disks, sorting information into a required order, and to help with the testing of programs that have been written. Compilers, interpreters and assemblers: These are programs that translate the programming language that is used into a form that the computer can understand. Compilers work by translating the whole of the program from what is known as the source program into the object program which will be in a form that the computer can understand. Interpreters are programs that translate and execute source programs one statement at a time. An assembler is a program supplied by the computer manufacturer that will translate a program that was written in assembly language (low-level programming language) into machine code. Applications software: In large organisations that have a mainframe or minicomputer we would find that programmers were employed whose job it would be to write the programs for the applications that the organisation wished to have run on the computer, such as payroll, stock control or hospital appointments. The software may be designed specifically for one particular company and written especially for them using a programming language or software such as database management system. Alternatively, the software may be purchased ‘off the shelf’. General purpose software: Most general purpose software is sold as a package, including a CD containing the software. Below is the most common packages that you would find on the market to date: 1. Applications: spreadsheets, database, word processing, Desk Top Publishing 2. Presentation: CD based presentations (Power Point, Director) 3. Internet Publishing: web page development software (Front Page, Dreamweaver, Flash) 4. Programming Software: BASIC, Visual Basic, C++, Java, Pascal, HTML 5. Creation and Editing: Photo Shop, Paint Shop Pro, Premier, Coral Draw 6. Utility: Anti-virus, tidy and compression, Doctors. The newer computer systems will have these utilities on them already. Software such as word processing, spreadsheet and databases is sometimes refereed to as generic software. This means that many of the packages can be made to do many different tasks, and is not specifically for one type of application. The other types of application software such as stock control and payroll as mentioned before are special purpose because they have been designed to complete one particular task. Conclusion: I found this assignment very interesting and now feel I have a much sounder understanding off computer hardware and software. I would have liked to incorporate more images into the assignment as reference to each of the products described, but was unable to find all of the images that I required, and also had problems trying to transfer them from the internet. Apart from this I feel quite satisfied with the overall assignment and hope that I have entered all the data needed and presented it in a clear fashion. Bibliography Corbitt T, (1990), Information Technology And Its Applications. Avon, United Kingdom: Bath Press Heathcott P M, (2000), ‘A’ Level Computing. Ipswich, United Kingdom: Payne-Gallway Publishers Ltd References Corbitt T, (1990), Information Technology And Its Applications. Avon, United Kingdom: Bath Press Heathcott P M, (2000), ‘A’ Level Computing. Ipswich, United Kingdom: Payne-Gallway Publishers Ltd.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Post-Soviet Demographic Paradoxes: Ethnic Differences in Marriage and Fertility in Kazakhstan Essay

The goal of this research is to analyze the minority group status hypothesis regarding specific stages of the family-building process for different kind of countries, but they had stopped on the Middle East and Central Asia. These countries has been considered by Agadjanian in 1999 years, Gore & Carlson in 2008. The hypothesis posits an interaction effect between ethnicity on the one hand and education or other measures of socioeconomic status on the other hand. And also they respect to the timing and intensity of each stage of the reproductive cycle – first marriage, first birth interval, second birth interval and so on and ultimately completed family size. This interaction between ethnicity and education can appear in one or both of two partial forms. First, disadvantaged minority groups within a society may exhibit earlier marriage, shorter birth intervals, and subsequent higher levels of fertility than the majority population. This higher fertility at the â€Å"bottom† of the society has been interpreted variously as the result of blocked alternate opportunities, or as persistence of a separate minority group subculture emphasizing pronatalist norms. Second, elites among such minority groups may exhibit later marriage, longer birth intervals, and subsequently lower levels of fertility than the majority population. This has been interpreted as status anxiety of these minority elites in the face of potential discrimination from the majority. The minority group status hypothesis was first developed with respect to race/ethnic identity within the United States but has subsequently been applied to a wide range of ethnic minorities within national populations in many parts of the world. With respect to Central Asia, Agadjanian has explored this hypothesis in Kazakhstan and concluded that patterns of childbearing there do not fit the hypothesis well. On the other hand, Gore and Carlson have recently demonstrated that the hypothesis describes marriage patterns of ethnic Kurds compared to the majority population in nearby Turkey extremely well, with both forms of the effect clearly identifiable. This paper uses evidence from the 1995 and 1999 Kazakh Demographic and Health Surveys to examine the timing of marriage for two distinctive groups within the population of Kazakhstan. We follow Agadjanian in combining ethnic Russians with other European groups and comparing them to the ethnic Kazakh population in the country, and also in excluding small ethnic splinter groups from other Central Asian countries (Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, etc) from the analysis[1]. We concentrate on marriage timing in order to most closely replicate the work of Gore and Carlson for Turkey, and also because Agadjanian has demonstrated that virtually all births in Kazakhstan for these samples of women occurred within and shortly after marriage. Since marriage thus constitutes a reliable marker for the timing of the first step along the path of reproduction, it makes sense to begin analysis at that point. Agadjanian (1999) has treated this issue of marriage timing in Kazakhstan in a previous article, but that analysis completed some years ago did not involve event history analysis, and also did not specifically examine the hypothesized interaction effect between education and ethnicity[2]. Kazakhstan uniquely raises an unusual theoretical issue about the minority group status hypothesis, because it is not immediately obvious which of the ethnic populations in the country should be regarded as the â€Å"disadvantaged minority† in terms of expected consequences for timing of reproductive behavior. Some evidence shows that the ethnic Russian and more generally, the European segment of the population historically appropriated a disproportionate share of the higher-status occupations after immigrating into Kazakhstan in response to Russian/Soviet resettlement initiatives. However, other research has demonstrated a concentration of ethnic Kazakhs in higher education and some other fields. Similarly, the numerical balance of these groups in the population has shifted in recent decades, and has always been near parity in terms of dominance by sheer numbers. For these reasons we do not assume at the outset which group should be regarded as the â€Å"minority† group for evaluating the hypothesis, but rather examine the empirical results for clues on this question. Agadjanian has proposed and utilized in several studies a useful division of the ethnic Kazakh population into two groups described as more or less â€Å"russified† based on selection of interview language by these respondents at the time of each survey those who chose to be interviewed in Russian are compared to those who chose the Kazakh language for the survey interviews. 3] These groups allow further tests of the minority group status hypothesis, specifically for the most disadvantaged members of the population, in terms of evaluating the alternative hypotheses of blocked opportunities versus persistence of prontalist subcultures as explanations for higher fertility. Although the correspondence between ethnic and religious self-identification is extremely strong in these surveys nearly all Russians identify themselves as Orthodox and nearly all Kazakhs identify themselves as Moslem, regardless of language or other differences the correspondence is not perfect and we also examine religious identity as an alternative way of operationalizing ethnicity in examining the minority group status hypothesis. And at the end of my critical essay I would like to tell some interesting facts that happened in my country. The Kazakhs attach great significance to the birth and raising of children. A Kazakh family is not considered happy without children, especially sons—the continuers of the clan. There are many customs and ceremonies associated with birth and raising of children. These customs arose from centuries of experiences and from the Kazakh worldview. Thus, they protected a pregnant woman from the evil eye with the aid of amulets and did not allow her to leave the house alone at night; weapons, wolves’ teeth, eagles’ bills, and owl talons were forbidden wherever she lived. All this was necessary to protect her from impure forces. The pregnant woman herself had to observe a multitude of taboos. In order not to tangle the child’s umbilical cord, for example, she could not step over the staff for raising the dome of the yurt (bakan) , the device for catching horses (kuruk), rope (arkan) , and many other items. She was also forbidden to eat camel meat because it was thought that, were she to do so, she would carry her child for twelve months, like a she-camel. Kazakhs protect pregnant women from heavy labor, especially in the later months. Kazakhs carefully guard the woman and child during the actual birth and the first forty days thereafter, which are regarded as especially dangerous for the baby. Various rituals are followed—placing the child in the cradle on the seventh day, for example: the fortieth day after birth is seen as especially festive because the danger is deemed to have passed. Only women gather at this celebration. Kazakhs accustom children to work from an early age. They teach a boy to ride a horse at age 3 and to tend it and other livestock at age 5 or 6. The shaving ceremony, strongly upheld in modern times, is conducted when a boy has reached age 3 to 10. Girls are taught to sew, embroider, and carry out other household activities. In the past, Kazakhs believed that at age 13 to 15 they were ready for independent life and could have their own family; at present girls marry at age 16 to 18. The brief ceremony at the registration office is called a AHAZH. The AHAZH also features a procession of cars decorated in ribbons, which stops to take pictures along the way. In the city of Turkistan in southern Kazakhstan, the photos must include one of the couple at the Yasawi Shrine. For many progressive families the AHAZH has almost replaced both the Neke Qiyu and the betashar. The religious part of the Kazakh wedding ceremony is called Neke Qiyu. The wedding process may take many weeks and even months to complete. This is because a Kazakh marriage, like marriages in most Muslim societies, involves a contract between families which requires negotiation. The Neke Qiyu is a small portion of the whole, and usually takes about a half an hour to complete. The Neke Qiyu usually takes place on the evening of the day the bride is revealed to her groom’s family. This festive ceremony is calledbetashar or â€Å"revealing of the face. After she shows respect to her groom’s family, the veil is lifted and the bride receives a kiss from her mother-in-law[4]. The mother-in-law then puts a white scarf on her head to symbolize her marital status and then welcomes her into the groom’s family. After several hours a feasting, a mullah arrives. A mullah is a teacher of Islam who knows how to recite the Quran[5]. He performs the Neke Qiyu. Even though the betashar is performed outside in the garden in the presence of many relatives and friends, the Neke Qiyu is performed inside with close relatives only. The mullah and the couple sit facing one another. He briefly recites some verses from the Quran and asks the couple to confess the faith of Islam. When this ceremony is done, the couple must go and register their marriage at the state registry office, a practice introduced in the Soviet period. Among nomadic Kazakhs the small, individual family predominated, consisting, as a rule, of a married couple, their unmarried children, and elderly parents. In accordance with custom, the oldest son was able to marry first, followed by the other sons in descending order of age. The father allotted livestock to the married son and in this way created a new household. According to the ancient customs of the minorat, the youngest son was not allotted a household, even after marriage. He remained the heir to the ancestral hearth. Among the seminomadic and settled Kazakhs, there were extended families in which several closely related families lived in one household. Usually this was the family of the head of the household, as well as his married sons, and, after his death, the families of his married brothers. As a rule, however, after the death of the household master, the married brothers parted company. The daughters went to live with the families of their husbands after marriage. Elements of patriarchal relations were preserved in certain ways, however. Married sons, even when they had their own individual households, did not break ties with the paternal household completely. Many labor-intensive tasks, such as pasturing of livestock, shearing of sheep, preparation of felt, and so on, were accomplished through the efforts of several households with close relations along paternal lines. This was especially important in defending livestock and pastures from the encroachment of others. Such a unification of families, the basis of kinship ties, is called in the literature a â€Å"family-kin† group. In Kazakh, these groupings are called bir ata baralary (children of one father). If a family-kin group was called Koshenbaralary, for example, then their ancestor was called Koshen, and the families of this group had heads who were grandsons and great-grandsons of Koshen. Among the Kazakhs, such family-kin groups formed communities. The heads of families were considered close relatives up to the fourth or fifth generation.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17

Personal statement - Essay Example The vibrant and energetic environment, a learning environment that is very conducive, state of art facilities, research, and innovation in the institution provides a perfect gateway to success of the student. As a student at Iowa University, I have been able to learn and contribute in diverse areas outside the academic world. My leadership skills surpassed expectations when I was elected the vice president of Chinese Union in the University. This position required exceptional leadership skills, organization, and dedication. Holding such a senior position made me realize that focus and diligence are the keys to success in any endeavor. University of Miami is a multicultural center and therefore will be the most opportune place to further my interest in intercultural activities. I have realized that a student life must be enriched by participation outside the academic world. Therefore, I successfully initiated a band named â€Å"NO IDEA† that seeks and promotes musical talents through composing and performing songs. Certainly, I will be best placed in University of Miami as a music enthusiast through various talent exposition programs offered by the university. Additionally, Miami is located in an environment that is similar to my hometown and this will be a great advantage when adapting to the new environment. I have profound teamwork skills, which I gained as a volleyball captain. Indeed, I was able to train and improve the performance of the team up to national standards. Currently, I am the proprietress of the university photography club, which nurtures and promotes skills in photography among the student community. I believe these teamwork and interpersonal skills will enable me integrate with the culturally diverse community in Miami University. It will be a great opportunity to grow intellectually, personally, and culturally. However, I believe that my diverse

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Apple, Inc. Business Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apple, Inc. Business Analysis - Essay Example Apple Incorporation was established in the year 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and has its head office in California. The company enjoys a well reputed history over quite an extended period in the field of manufacturing, designing as well as in marketing. These mentioned services were offered in relation to personal computers along with the associated services software, networking solutions and peripherals across the globe. Presently, the company has been observed to benefit from a market share of above 87.3 percent in the global automotive market with regard to its MP3 players and iPod along with its products related to personal computer. The mentioned products named Macintosh was found to command its share to around 2 percent in the global Personal Computer market. Apart from iPod, Apple also indulges in designing, marketing and developing the associated accomplices as well as services. The company even deals online in music stores along with making available its software rel ated to iTunes in Windows as well as Mac OS. The music store operated by the company online has a strong legal presence in the download market and dominated it by around 70 percent. The company even offers products as software for the reason of offering information to the students. In addition, the company offers other additional third-party computing products as well as supplies in a wide range (Lin, 2005). The financial position of the company Apple is compared with two other companies in this paper so as to ascertain its financial health based on the income statement, cash flow and balance sheet. The two companies with which Apple would be compared are Dell and IBM. With this concern, the balance sheet, income statement and the cash flow statements of Apple Inc. has been studied in order to ascertain the financial health of the company. Financial Comparison & Review In its current performance, Apple recorded a net income of $25,922 million and the cash generated from the operatin g activities amounted to $37,529 million which depicted a huge increase compared to its previous year, 2011. The net revenue of the company was also recorded to be $28,270 million, increasing by a huge margin from the previous year that is 2010. The total assets had also increased remarkably in contrast to the previous years. Furthermore, a huge increase in the goodwill of the company was also recorded which proved to be a favorable indication for the company. The total equity was observed to depict an increase compared to the previous year (Apple Inc, 2011). Therefore, it could be inferred that the company displays a strong financial position currently. It was observed after studying the financial statements of Dell that the revenue of the company increased by a significant 16 percent. The revenue amounted to $61.5 billion in the year 2011 which was recorded to be the highest increase in the history of the company. It was ascertained from the balance sheet and the cash flow stateme nt that the net cash derived from the various operating activities increased substantially. A rise was also recorded in the assets of the company along with a sharp increase in the overall stockholder’s equity. The operating profit or revenue of the company is considered to be the fundamental source of capital for supporting its regular business functions. Therefore, the increase in the net cash from the other operating activities would prove beneficial for the company. The cash flow from the operations was determined to be $4.0 billion which again depicted an increase from the previous year that is 2010. The increased returns from the cash flows played a vital role in helping the company to increase their competencies along with attaining fresh competitive advantages. The net income of the company was ascertained to be $2635 million which showed an increase from the previous years. Therefore, it can be stated that the financial health of the company is quite favorable for it s growth (Annual Reports, 2011). The financial

Separation of Ownership and control, and agency costs Essay

Separation of Ownership and control, and agency costs - Essay Example The agreement structures together with the present production technologies and the outward lawful constraints to ascertain the cost function for conveying an output with a specific type of organization. The type of organization that survives is the one that conveys the output as per the customers’ demand at a cheaper price (Fama and Jensen, 1983, p. 302). The main agreements in any business organization outline two key things. These are the form of the lasting claims and the breakdown of the decision-making procedure that affects representatives. These are the agreements that make organizations be unique from one another and illustrate the reason behind the survival of various kinds of organizations. While concentrating on entrepreneurial organizations that require the entrepreneur to make all decisions, economists often disregard the analysis of the decision-making procedure. ... There is an emphasis on the factors that give survival value to organizational types that separate ownership and control. Residual Claims Most types of business organizations resort to agreement structures that reduce risks undertaken by representatives. This is achieved by introducing either fixed terms of remuneration or those that are pegged on performance. In addition, the agreements of most representatives comprise an implied or unequivocal provision that in exchange for the particular payoffs, the representative affirms that through the resources he accords, the interests of the residual claimants are met. Residual claimants emanate from one of the agent teams and it is likely to survive due to two reasons. First, it minimizes the expenses incurred while supervising the agreements made with other groups of representatives. Secondly, it minimizes those costs used to modify agreements for the dynamic risks encountered by other agent groups. The survival value of organizations is further enhanced by the agreements that express decisions towards the interests of lasting claimants. Different organizational forms have residual claims with varying controls. For instance, common stocks in large organizations are the least controlled lasting claims in regular use. Stockholders have provisions that do not require them to have any other duty in the organization, and their lasting claims are separate without limits. Such provisions enable stockholders to have unlimited risk sharing. These large scale organizations with such properties are referred to us open organizations. They are different from closed organizations which are not only smaller but also have lasting claims that are greatly restricted to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Exam Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exam - Coursework Example It’s not mentioned whether the printer supports Wi-Fi or not so we are going to assume that printer supports Wi-Fi printing so we wont need any extra hardware for printer as well. Now we will assume that Louise have three children as well as office at the home so definitely he won’t be needing disturbance in his office at the time of working so he will have a house of minimum three floor which in hardware terms increase our one more need of wireless switch with boosters in order to increase wireless signal strength on other floors. In Software terms we will be needing only Child locks for Louis children in order they dont accidentally land on sites which they are not supposed to visit. Remaining software needs like protecting wireless network by locking it with password and making it compatible for only 9 systems can be done from the settings of the wireless router. So For Wireless Router we will just need is one Ethernet cable to connect Broadband modem with the Wireless Router thats all because everything else will be connected to the wireless router using wireless connection. So in order to protect such use of their internet they will have to lock the security with using any password which is difficult for others to guess other than family members, as well as they can specify the MAC address of all 9 systems in the Router settings and bar any other service requests other than these 9 systems/devices. 2) PII is an Information about a person that recognizes, links, relates, or is exclusive to, or describes him or her, e.g. a passport number; age, police rank, civilian, marital status, race, salary, mobile numbers. Social engineering- is an act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging information, rather than by breaking in or using technical cracking techniques e.g. via email, phone, dumpster diving, online, reverse, USB

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Transcultural nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Transcultural nursing - Essay Example People of this organization know for sure that there are a lot of people who look forward to them. The inhabitants of those countries are abandoned by their government and by the whole world, as they think. They consider the Transcultural Nursing Society to be the only one organization in the world which can help them to stay alive. It is their last hope. The focus of this nursing training is the integration of the international and transcultural content into the training. Courses contain studying in the area of cultural dissimilarity, nursing in the other countries and international health issues and organizations, as an example. There is even a Transcultural Nursing Society. My own opinion is that such organizations should exist, because a lot of people in the world need help. And this organization was created to help people all over the world. The Transcultural Nursing Society has its mission, vision and values. The mission of the Transcultural Nursing Society is to engrave the characteristic of culturally congruent, competent, and rightful care that gives its results in perfected health and well being of people worldwide. The vision of the society is to provide nurses and other professionals that care about the health of people with necessary knowledge to assure cultural ability in practice, education research and administration. The philosophy of the society is that Transcultural nursing is a theory based on humanistic discipline projected to serve people, societies, organizations and communities. Human solicitude is sharply defined within the context of the culture. Culturally capable care can only appear when we know the culture care and it serves as the basis for significant care. Erudition is the foundation of the training of TCN.Increased educational preparation in TCN improves the training of culturally competent solicitude certification documents clearness of the talent to provide culturally established care to reach our vision; the Transcultural Nursing Society needs a stable financial base. This organization is known all over the world, but my own opinion is that not many people know about the origin of the Society, about its history. Leninger founded and became a leader of this new nursing speciality. At the XX century there was no cultural base to guide nursing actions and decisions to understand cultural deportment to provide therapeutic care. Leninger wrote the first book concerning this question and was the first human being who coined two terms, such as "transcultural nursing" and "culturally congruent care." At the University of Colorado Leninger organized the first course of Transcultural Nursing. It happened in 1966. Nowadays, Transcultural theory persists to refine and expand itself. Transcultural Nursing Society was established in 1970 as an information-sharing group. But the year of formal appearance of the organization was in 1974. Today it is well known all over the world. The priorities of the organization remained the some. Its members are very active in such transnational and national arenas as teaching, consultation, direct care, research. The organization has its official journal, which appeare d in 1989. The title of the journal is the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Medicare Prescription Drug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medicare Prescription Drug - Essay Example There are many reasons why changes to Medicare were deemed necessary One of the main reasons is that there had been an increase in the number of Americans who were uninsured. Numbers show that those without health insurance had increased by 2.4 million between 2002 and 2003 and stood at 43.6 million in 2003. Costs of health care have been consistently increasing due to various reasons such as expensive new technologies, overusing of equipments and devices, etc. There has been a need for reform in medical liability. It must be possible for patients to seek punitive damages. Legal system was being misused by lawyers. There was a gap in information sharing between nurses and doctors it had to be addressed and also doctors had to be assured that the information they share would not be used to sue them or the hospital. Health care industry had progressed in all aspects but failed to make progress in information technology. The methods of information management were still old school and he nce this had to be changed to improve the services. Therefore modernization of information technology was essential (Bell & Friedman, 2005). Projections said that Medicare would be bankrupt because of the baby boom generation. That is, the number of seniors has increased and in turn the Medicare costs. Even though Medicare was doing a decent job, it lacked flexibility. It did not offer many choices to its participants. It was to address these and many more issues that changes were necessary to Medicare. Main Provisions of the New Legislation and Accomplishment of Desired Goals Prescription drug coverage which enabling seniors to take the drugs they needed rather than being dictated by the government (Office of Legislation, 2004). Choice of individual health care plans that would best suit the individual’s needs. Freedom to choose the place, hospital and doctor along with the kind of care and treatment needed (Office of Legislation, 2004). To fully cover disease preventive mea sures such as cancer and diabetes screenings. Protect seniors from high costs that would burn a hole in their savings. The desired goals have been accomplished to a certain extent. There have been improvements made and the information technology system has certainly improved. Parties Involved In Setting the Agenda for This Policy Change and Their Roles, Interests and Influences Following were the main agenda setters: The then President and his administration (President Bush), AARP, The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, The National Institutes of Health, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Each of these agenda-setters have had interests and played a role in the policy change. President Bush and his team ensured that issue would not die down and continuously brought issue to the limelight through their campaigns. AARP too pushed for a universal drug coverage plan rather than those that would only be targeted at the poor (Campbel & Morgan, 2005). Controversies Sur rounding the Legislation and Claims of Supports and Detractors The legislation was controversial for two main reasons. One was that it needed seniors with higher incomes to pay more for coverage and there were billions of dollars that was needed to stop elimination of existing coverage for the retirees by the corporations. Another reason was that private insurance companies were now given a vast role in health care. Supporters of the bill claimed that modernizing of the Medicare will lead to a better system and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Poverty In The United States Essay Example for Free

Poverty In The United States Essay Abstract This paper discusses the articles, percentages and researches conducted on online (internet) about the United States (U.S) and the issues with poverty in America. The typical ‘poor American lives in an air conditioning home with cable, televisions, and computers and among other luxurious purchases. While some of the poor face severe hardship, like finding nutriment and housing. This paper also explores the history, healthcare, and low income of the U.S., and allowing the opportunity for discussing how and who could make a change in the future of American’s. Poverty in the United States and the Research of Where We Are Today A record number of Americans are living in poverty, about 46 million. That’s more than at any time since the Census Bureau begun tracking poverty data Marisol, Bello (2011).Why is this such a problem? Would you say it’s because of political factors and history, or lack of healthcare, low incomes, and better yet the choices we make and what we spend as Americans? The â€Å"official poverty level† first seeped into government parlance in 1961 when the Social Security Administration needed an objective measure of poverty for statistical purposes David, Hilfiker (2010) writes in his article. Cuts in Federal assistance for housing programs and social services have corresponded, with the rise in homelessness in the U.S. , during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Federal housing programs and services nearly eliminated homelessness: however, during the 1980’s till now housing   programs were slashed by half and the homelessness population in the U.S. began to grow and is still growing. In 2013 fifteen percent of our population lives in poverty Marisol, Bello (2011). They say that the share of children living in high poverty neighborhoods and those with poverty rates of thirty percent or more has increased by one in ten, putting children at a higher risk than teen pregnancy or dropping out of school. (Associated Press 2013), also exclaims by 2030 based on the current trend of loss of income close to eight five percent of all working age adults in the U.S. will experience attacks of financial anxiety. The (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2013) says research is clear that poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being. Is this what are young inspires have to look forward to? A life that is set up to fail before our children has a chance to succeed. We need to act fast and change these numbers, before it’s too late! The combination of the low jobs, extraordinary cost of living and outrageous unemployment rates only intensify these problems and force numerous Americans to choose between food, housing, and other expenses. Studies show that money devoted to food is typically the first to be sacrificed, and families will often pay their fixed payments first, such as rent, utilities, and a car payment, rather than pay for food(Associated Press 2013). Even lack of reasonable medical care is a far reach for the poverty. The cost of health care and insurance has escalated dramatically over the past years and can cost families up to eight thousand dollars a year for families or individuals that lack health insurance. If an accident, rapid illness, or chronic disease arise this can be financially overwhelming. Welfare procedure needs to address the root of poverty not simply the system (Robert Rector, Rachel Sheffield 2011). Between families with kids the failure of marriages and loss of the work ethic are the primary long term reasons of poverty. Maybe if we could get some durable well established programs to instill are community on how not to plummet into poverty or get out, we could dramatically alter are future as Americans. For most the term â€Å"poverty† suggest near deprivation, which means an inability to provide nutritious nourishment, clothing, and sensible housing for one’s household. So how are people managing in a world of increasing economical insecurity? How poor is poor? Did you know based on a survey done by the Census Bureau written by Rector et al.’s (2011) â€Å"Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning, in 1970’s only Thirty six percent of the entire U.S. population got to enjoy air conditioning. Ninety percent of the poor households have a microwave. Nearly three fourths have a car or truck and thirty one percent have two or vehicles. Two thirds have cable or satellite television. One halve of the poor population have a personal computer and one out of seven have two or more computers. More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, like the Xbox or PlayStation, and forty percent can afford internet access. One third has a widescreen plasma or LCD television†. It seems to me that the luxuries or significant purchases for the middle class a few decades ago have become a common place in poor households. With this said the letter by Dr. Roger Starner Jones was recognized by his frustration, as a tax payer by the stereo typical sentences he wrote. However; this Doctor as frustrated as he seemed, had little to know knowledge of the patients background or struggle of being unable to shake a life of poverty and help from the government. Nearly by the belongings she has. Why does the Doctor judge the Patient? Did he give her the medical attention that an American Citizen should receive? Or did he get so angry about the material things, she could of received as gifts or before her hard times, I believe he forgot the reason he became a Doctor. With one impossible choice after another between food, medicine, getting to work, and paying the heating bill. â€Å"Poverty is no longer an issue of ‘them’, but an issue of ‘us’,† says Mark Rank, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis Hi et al. (2010). We need to come together and discovery better resources to help our American people survive in hard times, and overcome our needs. We could possibly lower poverty by tackling its root causes, like low incomes and lack of reasonable housing, and by refining support services, like improving paying jobs, healthcare and housing. You never can predict the future, but you could be the next individual or family in crisis needing a helping hand. References Hilfiker, D., Tippett, K. (2010). A history of poverty in America. Onbeing.Org Bello, M. (2011). The poverty affects 46 million Americans. USA today Weekley,C., Associated Press.(2013). Four in five in the United States face near poverty, no work. Fox Lawrence, S., National Center for Children in Poverty. (2013). Policies on welfare, marriage, and child well-being research. www nccp org. Rank, M The Associated Press. (2013). Poverty in America. www wjla com. Rector, R., Sheffield, R. (2011). Understanding poverty in the United States: surprising facts about America’s poor.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effectiveness of Leech Therapy

Effectiveness of Leech Therapy It has been estimated that there are about 60,000 miles or more blood vessels within a human body where blood, gases and nutrients are being circulated. Any blockage of these vessels will cause blood congestion at the site and thus give rise to various vascular diseases. For instance, a congested coronary artery will cause heart attacks, and a congested carotid artery will cause strokes. Other common examples are inflammatory reactions, haematomas, deep vein thrombosis, and so on. Hidurotherapy, also known as the leech therapy, is an ancient remedy now being revived and evaluated scientifically, hoping that it could be a one cure for all these diseases and provide a much more effective yet safer treatment. So, how a leech can cure and is it really more effective over currently used drugs in treating vascular congestion and related diseases? The mechanism behind hidurotherapy can be simplified as such: when a leech bites a target, the patient will not feel much pain because its saliva contains special anaesthetics. It then starts its active feeding by sucking the blood. At the same time, the saliva which also contains various components that prevent the formation of blood clot at the wound and allow it to flow continuously for hours even after the leech has been removed. This situation is known as passive bleeding. I have classified the leech treatment into 3 common types based on these effects of saliva contents and their applications. Type 1: Hirudin as an anticoagulant It has been recognised that the acute coronary syndromes involving the atherosclerotic plaques or thrombus has direct connection to the thrombin in the blood. Thrombin triggers platelet aggregation and gives rise to fibrin clot formation. Intravenous heparin, aspirin, and anti-ischemic medications are the standard treatments provided by hospitals. Hirudin appears to have more advantages when compared to heparin. It can act independently while heparin works indirectly with anti-thrombin III as its cofactor. As a result of this, heparin is not effective when it comes to the fibrin clot that already has thrombin bounded to it. In addition, platelet factor 4 or plasma proteins might neutralise the effect of heparin. Some patients might even develop thrombocytopenia, which affects 5 to 15 percent of the patient population. In such cases, hirudin is highly selective for thrombin and is not affected by peptides and enzymes in the blood. It binds with thrombin to form an inactive hirudin-thrombin complex and halts the conversion of fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin. Another highlight of hirudin would be its stability as its form can remain unchanged when it is removed from the body through urination. Overdosage of hirudin is very rare, if such cases really happen, there is no antidote because no antagonists for it have been found. This would be the disadvantage of hirudin but its usage remains safe as long as the doctors prescribe living leeches according to standard recommendations. In a research, patients with acute coronary syndromes were randomly given either intravenous heparin and hirudin placebo or hidurin and heparin placebo on a double blind basis. This led to the possibility of comparing the effect of hirudin and heparin in treating coronary syndromes and preventing deaths. The outcome results showed that hirudin had significantly decreased the risk of death or myocardial infarction or reinfarction over hours of study compared to heparin. In long term, hirudin still displays significant advantage over heparin in reducing the risk of death or myocardial infarction or reinfarction. Type 2: Removal of blood via active feeding and passive bleeding Detached body tissues or limbs can be reattached, transferred or transplanted through modern reconstructive surgeries. Microsurgical techniques are being used to restore the blood vessels supplying blood and oxygen to the connecting tissues or limbs to enable their survival. However, often we see that after a complicated reconstructive surgery, venous congestion occurs at the connecting tissues due to the formation of blood clot after a venous outflow. Thus, the blood cannot be circulated and the tissue flap will eventually die off and is lost if the congestion prolonged. It is then vital to remove excess blood accumulated at the site so that risk of cell death can be minimised. Moreover, it provides time for the ingrowth of new venous outflow from the surrounding normal tissues. Surgical revision is rarely possible or successful to fix the problem. When venous congestion threatens a tissue flap, live medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) are placed on the congested tissue to remove excess blood. The application of medicinal leeches to a congested tissue flap reportedly increases blood flow within congested tissue directly via active feeding and indirectly by passive bleeding from the bite after the leech detaches. The continued passive emission of blood following leech detachment assists in the decongestion process. It is facilitated by the actions and interactions among different salivary secretions of the leech, and platelet aggregation inhibitors. Type 3: Effects of other substances in the leech saliva As the leech saliva also contains anti-inflammatory and anaesthetics substances, the patient will feel no pain being bitten. This special effect attributes towards the treatment of diseases such as arthritis of the joint. Although arthritis belongs to immunological disorder, the inflammation around the joints causes pain to the patients. Therefore, leech therapy might be useful in soothing the pain suffered with the anti-inflammatory and anaesthetics substances. A study designed by researchers from Germanys Academic Teaching Hospital showed that one application of leeches to the area can reduce pain 60% for more than 60 days. Besides that, the results also showed that it is even more effective than Diclofenac. Diclofenac is a group of drugs that is commonly used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis by reducing the hormones causing such symptoms.  [2]   There was also a previous leech therapy for knee osteoarthritis that gave significant pain relief for over a week differences for function, stiffness, and total symptoms remained significant in favour of leech therapy until the end of study and for quality of life until day 28. Ann Intern Med. 2003 Nov 4;139(9):724-30.  Effectiveness of leech therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized,controlled trial.  Michalsen A, Klotz S, Là ¼dtke R, Moebus S, Spahn G, Dobos GJ. Alternatives Recombinant Hirudin A leechs saliva contains limited amount of natural hirudin, so the idea of mass hirudin extraction for treatments is almost impractical as this will multiply the cost. One possible solution to this is to synthesise a similar substance. Scientists have previously cloned the cDNA for hirudin and it is expressed in yeast. However, the resulting recombinant protein was found to be produced in the unsulfated form, which is known to have an at least 10 times lower affinity for thrombin than the naturally occurring tyrosine-sulfated hirudin. Recombinant hirudin has been approved by United States FDA to be produced and applied commercially. It can be an alternative when living leeches are not available and the patient seems to develop intolerance against heparin. The dosage must be calculated properly in order to reduce the risk of side effects. Hirudin Heparin Recombinant Hirudin Advantages Led to a very consistent anticoagulant effect over time, independently of the use of thrombolytic therapy, a feature that represents a practical advantage Inexpensive, performed well as an antithrombin agent in the current trial and should still be regarded as the standard therapy Demonstrable and consistant effect, especially on the rate of reinfarction, in the group of patients with acute coronary syndromes as a whole Disadvantages Excessive usage will increase bleeding risk Not infrequently engenders an immune thrombocytopenia, which can result in serious thrombotic complications Small clinical effect Table 1: Comparison between hirudin, heparin, and recombinant hirudin by means of advantages and disadvantages Hementin Hementin is a unique secretion in the saliva of Amazon Giant Leech (Haementeria ghilianii). As shown in Figure 2, it inhibits the coagulation of blood differently with hirudin by breaking down the fibrinogen. Because Haementeria ghilianii does not belong to the order of Arhynchobdellida but Rhynchobdellida, therefore it was not recognised as medicinal leech. However, Maurice Moloney, professor of plant biotechnology at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada discovered that while hirudin prevents clot formation, hementin dissolves a particular kind of platelet-rich clot that can cause stroke and heart attack and against which clot busters like streptokinase and urokinase are ineffective.  [3]   Mechanical Leech A leech-induced skin wound on a congested fasciocutaneous tissue flap will bleed passively for a number of hours with 90 percent of blood emission within 5 hours after leech detachment. However, after 3 hours, passive blood loss averages only 2.9 ml. Furthermore, increases of maximum surface perfusion only extend 8 mm from the leech bite during passive bleeding. As suggested by these prior results, passive blood loss from a single leech bite should not be relied on to sufficiently decongest an impaired tissue flap, even after a relatively large active blood meal. There is the potential, however, of augmenting passive blood loss volumes with the use of a mechanical device that facilitates the antithrombogenic environment of a congested tissue flap. Such a mechanical device may encourage increased tissue viability. Increases in blood loss volumes may translate into improved postoperative blood perfusion in congested tissue flaps, resulting in improved tissue flap viability and survival . Implications Environmental, Economic: disposal, release to the wild, pollution, disrupts food chain, expensive for medical purposes, but lucrative for pharmaceutical industries Ethical, Social: reject the chance giving better treatment for patients, risk of side effects (bleeding), fear, can be overcome by mechanical leeches Evaluation Conclusion It can be seen that leech therapy is somehow more effective than modern drugs. However, it raises a few more questions like why we do not just extract the leech contents to treat the patients directly with it? I think it is because even though numerous studies and researches have been carried out, there are still some uncertain areas need to be recognised and solved. Besides that, the current situation allows us to avoid overdose of leech contentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Element Iron :: Chemistry Essay

Iron comes from the Latin word ferrum. From ferrum its symbol became Fe. The atomic number of iron is 26, and its atomic weight is 55.845. Iron is a magnetic, bendable, shiny white metallic element. Pure iron has a hardness that ranges from 4 to 5. It is soft and ductile. Iron can be easily magnetized at ordinary temperatures and at 790Â °C the magnetic property disappears. Pure iron melts at about 1535Â °C, boils at 2750Â °C, and has a specific gravity of 7.86. Chemically, iron is an active metal. When exposed to humid air, iron forms a reddish-brown, flaky, decay known as rust. Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Because it is so common, iron has been used by human society for thousands of years. Iron was known and used for weapons in prehistoric ages, the earliest example still in existence; a group of rusty iron beads found in Egypt, dates from about 4000BC. This period in history was given the name Iron Age because it was the time when people found ways to get iron and to use it for building tools and weapons. The beginnings of modern processing of iron can be traced back to central Europe in the mid-14th century BC. Pure iron has limited use in today’s world. Commercial iron always contains small amounts of carbon and other impurities that change its physical properties, which are much improved by the further addition of carbon and other alloying elements. This helps to prevent oxidation, also known as rust. Iron is an essential part of a healthy diet. Iron compounds are employed for medicinal purposes in the treatment of anemia, when the amount of hemoglobin or the number of red blood corpuscles in the blood is lowered.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ammaniti’s Novel, I’m Not Scared Essay -- I’m Not Scared by Ammaniti

This is a profoundly moral tale of lost innocence and adult cruelty. Do you agree? Ammaniti’s novel I’m Not Scared set in Acqua Traverse, Italy 1978 is a powerful text, which explores relevant social themes and issues. Besides being a tale of adult cruelty and lost innocence we cannot ignore the role in which loyalty and betrayal play in the novel. These central themes make this novel a compelling text. In the novel Michelle journeys from a joyful innocent child into a perceptive and wiser youth. Initially we view Michelle as a child who is very compassionate, willing to â€Å"do the forfeit† for Barbara to exempt her from Skull’s cruelty. As the story progresses qualities namely courage and loyalty surface in Michelle. These two qualities are most noticeable when he states, â€Å"I’m going to see Fillipo†¦ Who’s Fillipo? He’s a friend of mine†. Michelle’s actions show and justify a belief that he has in a sense â€Å"lost his innocence†. Michelle also shows maturity when he acknowledges that his father may not be a loving man, stating, †Papa was the bogeyman. By day he was good, by night he was bad†. He realises that the adults are cruel and is astounded when he notices his father stating â€Å"two ears we’ll cut off. Two!†. Michelle loses his innocence after witnessing the cruelty displayed by t he adults as well as being tested by the notions of loyalty and betrayal. The adults with the exception of Michelle’s mother can all be seen as having key roles in the kidnapping. The treatment ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Social Networks Essay -- Social Issues, Technology

Over the past decade the internet has become a important part of everyday life by people of all ages. The internet is used for a variety of purposes, such as finding information, buying and selling products, watching television shows, finding friendships and searching for entertainment, but the main use for the internet is communication. Three quarters of American adults have been online, with even more teens (93%). Almost all of those internet users say their main purpose for going online is for communication (Correa, Hinsley, Zuniga 2010, cited in Jones and Fox 2009, Pg 247). With the introduction of social networking sites such as Facebook, My Space, Twitter and various smaller community based social networking sites it has made the ability of communicating so easy and accessible that people are able 'to sit in one place and know about what is going on somewhere else in the world related to your friend / group / community network' (Nair 2009, Pg 52). This essay will focus on ho w social networking sites play an integral part of everyday communication in society today and will focus on both the positive and negative effects that social networking sites are also presenting in society today. This essay will finally inform how it is not just the younger generation who use social networking sites to build relationships but how the older generation are taking advantage of social networking sites to form and maintain relationships with one another. During the past decade there has been an influx of social networking sites, which have become an essential element of everyday society. Social networking sites enable the ability to share and create information, form personal as well as business relationships, find romantic relationsh... ...r groups? A comparison between UK, Spain and Japan', Journal of Youth Studies, Vol 14, No 1, pp 91-108, Taylor & Francis Online, EBSCOhost, viewed 15th December 2011. Nair, N 2009, '"Social Networking" on the Generation Next', SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol 6, No 3, pp 43-52, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 15th December 2011. Pfeil, U, Zaphiris, P & Wilson S 2009, Older adults' perceptions and experiences of online social support', Interacting with Computers, Vol 21, No 3, pp 159-172, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 3rd January 2012. Zhong, B, Hardin, M & Sun, T 2011, 'Less effortful thinking leads to more social networking? The associations between the use of social network sites and personality traits', Computers in Human Behavioiur, Vol 27, No 3, pp 1265-1271, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 31st January 2011.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Does Malvolio deserve his fate?

Malvolio's character and the misfortunes he encounters though out Twelfth Night provide a lot of the play's comedy scenes. His haughty and pretentious demeanour makes him easy to dislike, yet the treatment he receives is at times a little undeserved and leads to the issue of whether or not Malvolio deserves his fate. In Act 1 of Twelfth Night the audience is immediately presented with Malvolio as a pompous and arrogant man who is ‘sick of self-love.' He is shown as selfish and disillusioned with self-importance when unwilling to carry out menial tasks like delivering a ring; ‘you might have saved me pains' even though it is part of his job. Blindly, he simultaneously criticises Feste's lack of funniness and Olivia for laughing at it; ‘your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal,' he arrogantly lectures his superiors showing that he thinks he is above them. This negative representation of Malvolio is continued into Act 2 where the audience gets a glimpse of Malvolio as a puritanical killjoy. Before Malvolio even enters to bring an end to Sir Toby's fun, Maria comments on her surprise that Olivia hasn't already ‘called up her steward Malvolio' to do so. This shows how other characters also think Malvolio is a curmudgeon. Our contempt for Malvolio increases further when he enters and begins to tell the knights off, even though they are his social superiors. He accuses them of being ‘mad' of acting like ‘tinkers' who have ‘no wit, manners, nor honesty'. His remarks indicate that he believes they are acting like commoners and that he would never stoop to such a level, he believes he is above them. He is rude to them and also to Maria, who is his social equal, although he clearly doesn't think so; ‘if you prized my lady's favour†¦you would not give means for this uncivil rule.' Malvolio's relationships with the other characters in the play are on the whole not very good. He does not respect them and they dislike and ridicule him. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Feste and Maria do not share Malvolio's patronising, high opinion of himself and they mimic him by singing at him and reminding him that he is no more ‘than a steward.' The audience's dislike for Malvolio is deepened when he leaves threatening to tell Olivia of their behaviour ‘by his hand,' because of course, nobody likes a telltale. Later, Maria directly calls Malvolio a ‘puritan' this word is used to describe him as a religious killjoy who wishes to inflict his strong, opinionated views on everybody else. Maria also calls Malvolio an ‘affectioned ass' showing that he is so deluded with such a high opinion of himself he believes everybody else should share it. This directly relates to Malvolio being vain about his committed Christian values and portrays him as an outsider among more f un loving people. The language and imagery used to present Malvolio in the early stages of the play enforce a negative image of a rude, pompous and irritating man but he never actually does anything harmful or nasty. He genuinely respects his ‘ladyship' Olivia and is a loyal servant shown by his dismay at Sir Toby's behaviour, ‘Is there no respect for place, persons, nor time in you?' His loyalty shows he understands the value of trust. He is clearly learned and articulate in speech, ‘mitigation in voice' and he is an efficient steward who, after all, is only doing his job. Prior to Malvolio receiving the false letter declaring Olivia's love for him, he makes matters worse for himself by arrogantly imagining his marriage to Olivia, ‘to be Count Malvolio.' This antagonising behaviour shows that Malvolio is very shallow and simply imagines the trappings of wealth; ‘sitting in my state,' ‘my officers around me' and ‘my branched velvet gown,' his ideas are far above his station, he his developing his enjoyment of appearing important. When he picks the letter up and reads it, Malvolio almost instantly relates Olivia's love to himself, ‘M – why, that begins my name.' This shows that his vanity lets him believe, with out question, he is the sort of man Olivia would fall in love with. He falls so easily into such a palpable trap that it is difficult not to believe that he deserves what is coming to him. He convinces himself, on the basis of very thin evidence, that this is confirmation of Olivia's love for him, ‘I will be point-device the very man.' Unfortunately this means that Malvolio's pomposity gets virtually out of control, ‘I will wash off gross acquaintance' and he becomes completely carried away with his dreams. Malvolio falls for the trick so entirely that he induces a little sympathy from the audience because he is so gullible and easily deceived. He is a naturally ambitious person, a social climber who only wishes to fulfil his personal potential. Perhaps his imagination is a little over active but he isn't harming anybody with thoughts. Despite Malvolio's self-delusion the actions of the conspirators begin to appear a little spiteful and excessive, especially as they are already sowing the seeds for further misunderstandings within the play by forewarning Olivia of Malvolio's ‘madness.' Ironically Olivia calls for Malvolio because his seriousness suits her mood but his transformation to her ‘requests' surprises her, ‘Smil'st thou?' Naively, Malvolio has meticulously ‘executed' the ridiculous requests including the ‘trick of singularity' and ‘yellow stockings.' He clearly believes that by doing this he will ‘achieve greatness' and nothing can come between him and the ‘full prospects' of his hopes. His soaring high opinion of himself allows him to believe what he wants to, because of this he misunderstands everything Olivia says. When she instructs him to ‘go to bed' to sleep off his madness he believes she means to go to bed with her, ‘I'll come to thee.' Olivia shows concern for her loyal servant and asks for ‘special care' of her ‘fellow.' He also takes these words the wrong way and launches into a great speech about how she recognises him as her social equal and ‘fellow.' The scheme has succee ded to make Malvolio look completely foolish but the tricksters then begin to take things a little too far when they accuse him of being ‘possessed.' When Olivia departs the trick is rendered a success as Malvolio ‘hath taken the infection of the device' and fallen for it. The audience is reminded of Malvolio's snobbishness, ‘go off, I discard you.' This only encourages the kinsmen and servants pretend they believe he is a lunatic, possessed by the devil, ‘bewitched' and attempt to convince Malvolio himself that he is mad, ‘defy the devil.' They wind him up and pretend to be concerned by calling him childishly affectionate names like ‘chuck' and ‘biddy.' Malvolio senses that they are ridiculing him, and getting annoyed he almost stoops to their ‘element' by telling them to ‘go, hang yourselves all.' The jest now goes one step further out of proportion when the conspirators decide they will imprison Malvolio. This, added to his evident confusion causes the audience to now feel sympathetic towards Malvolio. Maria and the others are still treating the joke as a bit of fun but the audience is able to see how it is getting out of control by the change in Malvolio's personality. They have begun to mess with his mind; ‘make him believe' and they trick him into thinking he is talking to a priest but it is really Feste. This is probably in revenge to Malvolio's remarks regarding Feste's ‘barren' humour. Yet this deception increases sympathy for Malvolio because he doesn't deserve such mistreatment. Feste ridicules Malvolio with his disguise and mocks the steward's earlier behaviour by adopting a pompous voice; ‘that that is, is.' Malvolio's desperation is highlighted by words like ‘never was man thus wronged' but Feste continues to try and make Malvolio believe he is a ‘lunatic' and a ‘hyperbolical fiend' who is speaking the words of ‘Satan.' The teasing and accusations are the key to the audience's pity for Malvolio. The treatment of their prisoner even becomes a little sinister when the conspirators try to manipulate Malvolio into thinking he is insane, ‘windows transparent as barricadoes.' Malvolio ceaselessly denies madness, ‘I am not mad,' and his language becomes simple, direct and honest showing that he is in control of what he is saying and steadfastly refuses all of Feste's accusations, ‘I am no more mad then you are.' This is a complete change from his earlier pompous, lecturing tone of speech. He remains faithful to his Christian beliefs, an admirable quality, even when contradicting them would free him, ‘no way approve his opinion.' Even when Malvolio's dignity is taken away, he insists on his sanity ‘well is my wits as any man' but is not willing to sell his soul, however, Feste's suggestion of this would increase sympathy for Malvolio, who is clearly not remotely mad. His change in personality is evident when he speaks to the real Feste as an equal, ‘live to be thankful.' Malvolio's honesty and devotion to his faith highlights the other characters worse flaws than merely being pompous. Maria's actions and words show her to be shallow and malicious, ‘make him believe thou art Sir Topas.' Feste's teasing and deception is unwarranted and cruel, ‘madman, thou errest.' Sir Toby just wants to put an end to the ‘sport' for selfish reasons of not wanting to agitate Olivia further, not for the humanity of Malvolio. These characters do not understand the importance of trust or friendship, at least Malvolio respects the value of loyalty. In the final scene of the play, Malvolio's letter to Olivia reveals how he has suffered, ‘put me into darkness.' He leaves his ‘duty' to Olivia in order to speak honestly of his ‘injury.' It is clear how much his dignity and feelings have been hurt without just reason and the treatment he has received has been appalling. Olivia sympathises with him, ‘this practice has most shrewdly passed upon thee' and considers his fate to be excessive. It is difficult not to feel pity for Malvolio when he discovers he is the last to find out about the wicked trick that has been played upon him, ‘poor fool†¦they baffled thee.' Malvolio's last words lack his usual dignity; ‘I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you,' these words show his anger and resentment towards people he believed he knew, his motive for revenge being the immense humiliation he has suffered. Malvolio is a loyal servant to Olivia and does far more to help her than the likes of Sir Toby or Feste. His personality flaws are not nearly as destructive as some other characters yet he is excessively punished for them. The joke would have been acceptable if it had only gone as far as to make him look a little foolish and remind him of his position but unfortunately it was taken too far. Throughout Twelfth Night the audience is reminded of Malvolio's pompous and occasionally arrogant attitude, but despite his faults he still does not deserve his unkind fate.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nike-High End Shoe Market Survey in Bangladesh.Doc

This report was collected from : [email  protected] com 01. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Consumer Behavior The term consumer behavior is defined as the behavior that consumers display in searching for purchasing, using, evaluating & disposing of products & services that they expect will satisfy their needs. Consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. That includes what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it, how often they use it, how they evaluate it after the purchase and impact of such evaluation on future purchases & disposal. Nike shoes are sold worldwide at high price. People tend to associate high price positively with good quality & maximum performance. Because of the high price, before buying Nike shoes, people undergo extensive information processing, i. e. – ask friends or search the internet to find information about the product. 1. Origin of Report The report has been prepared for Mr. Junaid Khan, faculty at School of Business in North South University as a requirement of MKT344 course. This report is compulsory for students majoring in marketing. 1. 3 Limitations We had faced many obstacles whilst carrying out the survey. Some of the limitations faced were as (a). The survey sample was 50 persons, which was a negligible amount to obtain accurate answer. (b). Peop le were not eager to disclose their true income. (c). The survey was carried out in a posh area of Dhaka city i. . – in Banani, thus leaving a huge number of respondents outside the survey. (d). Some people didn’t read the questionnaire carefully and they gave results which may not reflect their true opinion. 02. RESEARCH STRUCTURE 2. 1 Methodology In preparing this report we have used both qualitative & quantitative method. (a). Primary Data We collected primary data by carrying out a survey on 50 people. In the survey there were 16 questions, all of them close ended. We carried out the survey in three days. (b). Secondary Data We collected secondary data from the retail outlets. We collected a price list of Nike, Reebok & Adidas shoes from these outlets. 2. 2 Questionnaire Design The target sample was set up first before preparing the survey questionnaire. We choose the middle class & upper class educated people as our respondents. That’s why we distributed our questionnaires among the students, faculties & people in North South University. The survey questionnaire was divided in three major parts i. e. – demography, perception about Nike & perceptual mapping of Nike. In the demographic part we asked questions to determine the social class, age group & profession. In the perception section we developed questions in a way to identify consumer perception about Nike itself, usage of Nike & Nike users. In the last part, perceptual mapping we requested the respondents to rank (i. e. – 1, 2, 3 etc) Nike in terms of price, quality & performance compared with other leading brands. Also we asked the respondents to rank features (in order of importance i. e. – 1, 2, 3, 4 etc) that they would consider in buying Nike. 03. WHAT IS PERCEPTION? 3. 1 Perception Perception is defined as the process by which an individual select, organizes & interprets stimuli into a meaningful & coherent picture of the world. It can be described as ‘how see the world around us’. Indeed the study of perception is largely the study of what we subconsciously add to or subtract from raw sensory input to produce our own private picture of the world. Suppose two people being exposed to the same Nike product may perceive differently. One might perceive Nike shoes to be high in performance if he/she is satisfied using it, while the other person may perceive the same Nike shoe having low performance. This proves that perception varies from person to person. 3. 2 Product Positioning The essence of successful marketing is the image that a product or service has in the minds of consumers – that is, its positioning. Positioning is more important to the ultimate success of a product than are its actual characteristics. The core of effective positioning is a unique position that the product occupies in the minds of the consumer. (a). Positioning of Nike itself (1 = Very High, 2 = High, 3 = Average, 4 = Low, 5 = Poor) |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |Price |46% |42% |4% |2% |6% | |Brand Image |54% |42% |4% |0% |0% | |Quality |36% |42% |22% |0% |0% | |Satisfaction |26% |40% |30% |4% |0% | |Smartness |30% |42% |18% |2% |8% | (b). Positioning of Nike in terms of users (1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Disagree, 5 = Strongly Disagree) |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |Rich People |50% |42% |8% |0% |0% | |Athletes |44% |40% |16% |0% |0% | |Satisfied Past Users |28% |38% |24% |10% |0% | |Brand Loyal C ustomers |30% |38% |20% |4% |8% | (c). Positioning of Nike in terms of use Nike shoes are suitable for ( + 4 = Strongly agree, + 2 = Agree, 0 = Neither agree nor disagree, – 2 = Disagree, – 4 = Strongly Disagree) |+ 4 |+ 2 |0 |- 2 |- 4 | |Only Sport activities |24% |44% |8% |12% |12% | |Only Work activities |8% |12% |42% |16% |22% | |Sports & work |26% |40% |26% |4% |4% | 3. 3 Perception & Purchase Based on perception the consumers purchase intentions occurs. How consumer perceives a product in terms of price, quality & status has a strong influence on purchase intentions & purchase satisfaction. In this section we have figured out only the future purchase intention of consumer about Nike. (a). Perception & Purchase ( + 4 = Definitely, + 2 = Probably, 0 = Uncertain, – 2 = Probably will not, – 4 = Definitely Will not) |+ 4 |+ 2 |0 |- 2 |- 4 | |I will buy Nike next time I buy a shoe |10% |14% |44% |14% |18% | |I will buy a Nike shoe during next 6 months |10 % |4% |36% |18% |32% | |I will recommend others to buy Nike |12% |24% |48% |6% |10% | |I will buy Nike for sports activities |20% |28% |20% |12% |20% | 04. PERCEPTUAL MAPPING 4. 1 Perceptual Mapping The technique of perceptual mapping helps marketers determine just how their products or service appears to consumers in relation to competitive brands on one or more relevant characteristics. It enables them to see gaps in the positioning of all brands in the product or service class and to identify areas in which consumer needs are not being adequately met. 4. 2 Price vs. Quality How consumers perceive the quality of a product is important factor in determining the purchase intention. If the product is not one of high quality the consumer may not be interested in patronizing the product. Besides the quality of a product is a factor that sets the price that consumers are willing to pay. |Fila |Reebok |Puma |Nike |Adidas |Others | |Price |5 |2 |4 |1 |3 |6 | |Quality |5 |3 |4 |1 |2 |6 | [pic] Figure (price vs. quality) From the diagram it is inferred that people perceive Nike as a high priced shoe with high quality. 4. 3 Price vs. Performance How a product is perceived by consumers in terms of performance (output) is a factor that affects the brand equity of the product and influence repeat purchase intention of consumers. If the consumer is not satisfied with the performance of a product, then it is likely that purchase will not be repeated & the manufacturer will not be able to maintain brand loyal customers. | |Fila |Reebok |Puma |Nike |Adidas |Others | |Price |5 |2 |4 |1 |3 |6 | |Performance |4 |2 |5 |1 |3 |6 | [pic] Figure (price vs. performance) From the diagram it seen that Nike is perceived as a high priced shoe with high performance. 05. FINDINGS (a). Demographic Part 01. Gender Male |Female | |66% |34% | 02. Age Group |19-30 |31-45 |>45 | |80% |16% |4% | 03. Marital Status |Married |Unmarried | |8% |92% | 04. Education Level |HSC |A level |Graduate |Post Graduate |Doctoral | |38% |10% |40% |10% |2% | 05. Gross monthly family income (In Taka) |25,000-39,999 |40,000-54,999 |55,000-69,9999 |>70,000 | |30% |22% |20% |28% | 06. Profession Student |Government Service |Private Service |Business |Self Employed | |76% |0% |18% |0% |6% | 07. I live in a |Rented House |Own Apartment |Rented Apartment |Government |Own House |Hostel | | | | |House | | | |16% |26% |16% |6% |32% |4% | 08. I reside in Motijheel |Purana Paltan |Segunbagicha |Shantinagar |Malibagh | |0% |8% |2% |0% |4% | |Dhanmondi |Mohammadpur |Lalmatia |Mirpur |Gulshan | |8% |8% |0% |10% |8% | |Banani |DOHS |Baridhara |Uttara |Others | |4% |2% |2% |14% |30% | (b). General Part 09. I recognize Nike by Logo |Name |Logo & Name | |30% |6% |64% | 14. I know about Nike from (Rank in order of importance i. e. – 1,2,3 etc) |TV |Newspaper |Billboards |Magazine |Internet |Friends | |1 |6 |5 |2 |3 |4 | 15. If I buy Nike the most important fe ature to me would be (Rank in order of importance i. e. – 1,2,3 ) Self Image |Style |Color |Status | |6 |5 |4 |3 | |Price |Need Fulfillment |Original |Country of Origin | |8 |2 |1 |7 | 16. Please rank the following brands based on price, quality & performance (i. e. – 1, 2, 3 etc) |Fila |Reebok |Puma |Nike |Adidas |Others | |Price |5 |2 |4 |1 |3 |6 | |Quality |5 |3 |4 |1 |2 |6 | |Performance |4 |2 |5 |1 |3 |6 | 06. SURVEY ANALYSIS Most of our respondents said they recognize Nike by logo and name, because Nike symbols along with their name are stamped on shoes worldwide and also on various garments. The advertising emphasis of the use of Nike shoes by prominent sportsmen tends to make consumers feel that wearing Nike shoes is a form of smartness. The brand image is high because people who wear Nike shoes in general, are convinced that Nike keeps up to its standard and also after using Nike shoes, they are satisfied with the quality of the shoes and the purpose for which they bought the shoes. People think that price of Nike is high, because in comparison to other brands like Adidas, Reebok, Puma and Fila, the price is a bit on the high side. The price data collected from the outlets proved people’s perception to be true. Rich people because of their attempt to enhance their status symbol usually buy goods of reputed brands, so more rich people tend to buy Nike shoes. Athletes tend to buy Nike shoes because of the comfort and Nike has always promoted itself as being a sports oriented shoe company. In its advertisement, Nike has used mostly sportsmen like Andre Agassi and Michel Jordan to convey this message. Nike shoes ensure high performance for various sports activities and are smooth when it comes to running or playing sports and are durable, so people tend to think that Nike is suitable mostly for sports activities. Brand loyal customers are used to the comfort in using Nike brand, but when using other brands they don’t feel the same level of comfort or satisfaction that they get from Nike. As a reason they stick to using Nike shoes and for them it is a status symbol. Majority of our respondents were reluctant to buy Nike shoe, although they perceived Nike having a high brand image, maybe of the high pricing of Nike shoes. Since they do not have much disposable income, they cannot afford to buy Nike shoe (yet they wish to buy) and resort to buying cheaper brands like Fila and Puma, although they know that the quality of Nike is much better. In Bangladesh because of the cable television, people are exposed to enormous amount of foreign medium. People are exposed to Nike shoes advertisement on foreign channels, so majority said they came to know about Nike shoes first on television. Also in Bangladesh a lot of foreign magazines including sports magazines are available. From these magazines, in hich Nike ads are depicted, people came to know a great deal about Nike shoes. In the Bangladeshi newspapers, there are hardly any ads of Nike shoes, so only a tiny portion of our respondents came to know about Nike shoes from newspaper The people in Banglades h who intend to buy Nike first see whether the Nike shoe is original. Consumers want original shoes because of their status and self-esteem and it helps them fulfill their ego need. Price comes last for these customers, because most consumers can afford the price. 07. CONCLUSION Nike manufacturers have tried to create a distinct positioning of the Nike shoe in terms of quality and satisfaction in comparison to its other competitors i. e. – Adidas, Reebok etc. People in Bangladesh have found Nike to be of high quality and to be of great satisfaction to them, but due to their income limitations, most of people are uncertain as to whether they will buy a Nike shoe now or in the near future. Manufacturers have tried to create a distinct image of Nike in consumers mind, which proved to be successful according to our survey result. From the survey we found that Nike is perceived as a high priced & high brand image shoe in the consumers mind. Thus it can be said that Nike is a mega brand in Bangladesh, like it is in other parts of the world. 08. BIBLIOGRAPHY (i). www. nike. com (ii). Consumer Behavior, LEON, G. SCHIFFMAN AND LESLIE LAZAR, 8th Ed, Pearson Education, Singapore.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Effective Study Skills Essay

Study is the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject and the skills are the ability and capacity acquired through deliberate systematic and sustained effort. For some students the motivation and ability to study comes easily. However for those students for whom it does not it is necessary to develop effective study skills. The aims is to provide the sole foundation of a sound education. These are necessary for the student to realise their full potential and acquire good grades. Without these skills the student would not be aware of their ability to learn in the best way and to maximise this. She states: 1) It is essential to be rested (sleep affects performance) and to sit comfortably. A change of scenery stimulates the brain and helps creative thinking. 2) To be hydrated, drinking water helps the electrical connections of the brain. 3) To be unstressed. When stressed the brain only concentrates on ‘escape’ not on tasks in hand. 4) To enjoy.  5) To learn to see something several times, little and often works better than trying to understand something in one sitting. Cottrell points out that effective study skills are needed to facilitate time management and to meet deadlines. She states spare time must be used effectively to give relaxation time, to rest and enjoy oneself as well as independent study time. According to Cottrell it is essential to learn from one’s own mistakes and feedback which give a way to improve performance and above all else, not to give up. Time management is essential, not giving excessive time to favoured topics rather than those necessary. It is essential to stay on target, stay motivated and not to let things get on top of you, to stay in control and maintain the correct direction of the studies. General tips are to identify the task in hand and work out exactly what is being asked for, setting clear goals and staying focused towards them. To develop the meaning of the task or how things work makes taking in material, reading and retaining the subject matter easier. To find links with the wider world such as the internet and journals helps. Working with others can also help by sharing ideas and getting mutual help. Finally to look for reasonable

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Modern effect towards Shakepears Romeo Essay

I will produce the play in Las Vegas so I can create a modern effect towards Shakepears Romeo & Juliet. I’ve chosen to produce Act 1 Scene 1, because it will show the tension between the two families already before the film unfolds. The scene has lots of action and there’s a variety of things happening. The Montague’s own a casino called Gamblers Paradise. The Capulets are also in the gambling business; their casino is called Snake Eyes. There is a massive rivalry between them because of the substantial amount of money involved and the intense competition. Tybalt wants to shut the Montague’s business for good. The servants are employees of their families casino’s, and the Prince is the head of the F.B.I. Leading up to the scene  There will be a short clip showing how the feud between the two families began. The Montague’s were situated there first. Their income was soaring through the roof, until the Capulets arrived and opened their newly built casino adjacent to them. The Montague’s income plummeted dramatically and they were infuriated about it. So they began their plan to make the Capulets lives hell.When the scene opens, the two Capulet servants walk out of the casino joking and laughing. The camera will face them from the Montague’s casino and will zoom in slowly. The servants walk down the street towards a cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ they always go to every lunch break. As they are walking, the camera has a close up on Sampson when he is talking and when Gregory is talking; the camera switches to him. When they are near the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, the camera goes into the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, moving in a circular movement. Then it stops on Abraham, a Montague servant. Abraham is drinking a cup of coffee. The camera is facing the door of the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ from inside, waiting for the Capulet’s to enter. Next, the door swings open and the Capulet’s look around and spot Abraham. The camera switches to Abraham. He sees them in the corner of his eye. He gulps down the last mouth full of coffee and walks over to the counter. The camera moves behind the counter. He pays for the coffee and turns to the Capulet’s. Gregory says, â€Å"I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they list†.  Sampson replies â€Å"Nay, as there. I will bite my thumb at him, which is disgrace to him if he bear it.†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do you bite your thumb at us sir?† says Abraham in a deep shaky voice.  Abraham walks over to them. Then suddenly he lashes out with a punch to Gregory. The camera moves to the right and zooms in on the action. The fight is interrupted by the appearance of Benvolio. Benvolio enters and shouts, â€Å"Part, fools! Put up your hands; you know not what you do.†Ã‚  Tybalt stampedes through the door with attitude and says, â€Å"What art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death.†Ã‚  Benvolio replies, â€Å"I do but keep the peace. Put up thy hand, or it to part these men with me.†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montague’s, and thee. Have at thee, coward.† Tybalt replies with anger. Then Abraham pulls out a gun, he is extremely nervous at this moment in time. Sweat runs slowly down his forehead. Sampson kicks the gun out of Abraham’s clench fist. Gregory does a backward roundhouse kick to the face of Abraham, who is stunned. The camera switches behind Abraham and zooms out a bit. He flies through the air and crashes onto a table with a bone-breaking thump. The camera is now at a bird’s eye view of the crisis. Abraham is bleeding from several places and he is unconscious. Blood is trickling from the edge of the table. Citizens gather round shouting, â€Å"Down with the Capulets, down with the Montague’s.†Ã‚  The camera is behind the citizens at head level. Immediately Montague and Capulet appear on the scene. Old Capulet calls for shotgun. For a moment the two wives try to restrain their husbands, but their efforts are unnecessary. The F.B.I squad pulls up outside the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. â€Å"The Worlds Greatest† by R.Kelly is playing in the background. As the prince steps out of his Lexus, the camera has a close up on his face. Prince Escales says loudly through a tannoy, â€Å"Old Capulet and Montague have disturbed our streets once again. If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. For this time all the rest depart away: You Capulet, shall go along with me, and Montague I will come for you this afternoon, to know our further pleasure in this case, to old Free-town, our common judgement-place. Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.† How the scene develops  With the departure of the Prince, the mood changes.  Lady Montague asks â€Å"O where is Romeo? I saw him to day? I am glad he was not at this fray†.  Lady Montague spots Romeo in the distance. The camera zooms in on lady Montague. Benvolio describes the behaviour of his infatuated friend. Romeo gets up before dawn, walking alone in the woods and weeping as the sunrises. The camera follows him from behind, capturing the beautiful sky. He hurries home and locks himself in his room and shuts out the daylight. At this point, â€Å"Hero† by Enrique is playing. These are symptoms of unrequited love, although neither Benvolio nor Romeo’s parents appear to recognise this. How does your treatment of the play show its relevance to people today?  Romeo and Juliet relate very well to today. For example, each family wants revenge on the other. This can relate to the families who were affect by Myra Hindley. She was a sick twisted individual who killed children. Every one wanted her to die and suffer for what she did. All families have disagreements, arguments, and fights but that’s part of life every thing will eventually sort it self-out. So really what happens in Romeo and Juliet isn’t unusual.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Diamond Model of Porter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 11

Diamond Model of Porter - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Porter was able to introduce the diamond model of national competitive advantage for purposes of providing an explanation on the reasons which make a number of countries to be more competitive, in comparison to other countries. Furthermore, this model was introduced for purposes of providing an explanation of the reasons that make a variety of business systems within a particular economy to be more competitive. This model, developed by Porter gives a proposal that the national home base of a given industry plays a crucial task in achieving a competitive advantage on a wide scale. This home base, of the given industry, would make a contribution on some essential factors that will help in supporting the business systems within the industry, to build an effective and efficient strategy that can help them compete efficiently on a global perspective. Porter manages to identify four major determinants that play a role in making a country to achieve a national co mpetitive advantage. He thereafter makes a conclusion that by combining these four determinants within a given economy or country, then, they would provide a big influence on the competitive ability of the business systems that are located within the economy under consideration. In defending his points, Porter explains that a competitive industry would take the nature of a specialized cluster of industries that are found at home. These clusters are able to correlate with each other through vertical relations. Examples include managing to integrate with suppliers. Clusters are also able to correlate with each other, through horizontal relations. Horizontal relationships normally occur through distribution channels, technology, skills, and customers. Through these specialized clusters, Porter explains that a given economy would manage to develop a business system that has the capability of achieving a competitive advantage over its rivals, hence leading to economic success. The automo bile industry of Japan and the semiconductor industry of United States to the diamond model of Porter.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example She emphasizes that the interpretation of violence in films can take multidimensional interpretation methods. In a case of the photo, Kony Make Him Famous 2012 it is evident that violence in films have the ability to stimulate the viewers since the violence contains both repulsive and sympathetic elements. Jeffrey Cohen argues that the monster theorists in formulating the symbolic expression theories regarding cultural uneasiness put the freaks, demons, fiends, and beastly creatures into consideration. Cultural uneasiness contributes to social pervasion and shapes a society’s collective behavior. In analyzing the Kony Make Him Famous 2012 photo, it is important to note that, Kony, the rebel leader is considered a beast, monster, and a social horror to the people of northern Uganda. People allover the world regard the man as heartless and according to monster theorist, he is a main source of cultural uneasiness. According to these theorists, Kony as a source of Cultural uneasiness, contributes to social pervasion and shapes a society’s collective behavior. The author illustrates how the society can influence the life of an individual. Children social up bringing determines their future life. The social environment in which a child is raise on determines the social life of that child. In Uganda Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army militant group, affects the lives of many children in that region. Many children are force to join the illegal militia groups thus preventing them from enrolling in schools. Life in the war torn society has created children, men, and women to be animals. Young boys are taught not to cry when hurt no matter the pain they undergo. According to the militia when a cry he looks sissy. The society teaches boys how to take pain is a badge of courage and honor. This is in preparation for their future life where boys are not supposed to let their emotion out in public. The